bhatto: Kaufbeurren
bhatto: Solar Electricity in a Bavarian village
bhatto: At a rehab centre
bhatto: The Great Wall
bhatto: Bangkok
bhatto: Bangkok's contrasts
bhatto: Ananda Temple
bhatto: Irrawady river
bhatto: Waiting....
bhatto: Early sunlight at Zurich Airport
bhatto: All chocolate!
bhatto: Ancient & Modern- Castle House
bhatto: An old building and...
bhatto: A doorway in Lisbon
bhatto: Colour in grey
bhatto: Lisbon's statues
bhatto: Amidst so many modern buildings..
bhatto: The Kaleyard Gate
bhatto: A part of enigmatic Chester
bhatto: A dash of colour amidst miles of sterile grey
bhatto: Sunrise over Central Liverpool
bhatto: That's Liverpool too..
bhatto: Lambanana II
bhatto: Lambanana 1
bhatto: Colour again...
bhatto: Colour in Liverpool
bhatto: A friendly fountain
bhatto: Encouraging the young and old..
bhatto: John Lenon I presume?
bhatto: What a waste of space!