moonmamma: our fishes
moonmamma: lovely isn't it?
moonmamma: the gruesome snail
moonmamma: the cat in a draw!
moonmamma: Brandy smiling
moonmamma: Brandy snuggling
moonmamma: Apricot hiding
moonmamma: I am going to go into the pocket
moonmamma: you can not see me!
moonmamma: or is he wondering how to open the can
moonmamma: Bobby cat guarding the Guineas
moonmamma: Apricot
moonmamma: Brandy
moonmamma: apricot with watermelon
moonmamma: do you think he likes my shoes?
moonmamma: bobby the aloof!
moonmamma: Bobby our ancient cat
moonmamma: the Hamster having fresh air!
moonmamma: Bobby waking up from sleep
moonmamma: from a distance
moonmamma: Guinea girls
moonmamma: The Guinea Pigs summer house
moonmamma: Brandy and Apricot
moonmamma: my new babies!