Bookhenge: Silver-Leaf Sunflowers -- the leaves are frosted ;-)
Bookhenge: Woohoo! Look at our future blue-ribbon squash in the "Other Winter Squash" category -- other than butternut, spaghetti, some of the most typical.
Bookhenge: It's a handful!!!
Bookhenge: Carrying it like a baby
Bookhenge: Gingerly lowering the beauty onto the seat . . .
Bookhenge: Just does fit!!!
Bookhenge: Wow!!!!!
Bookhenge: Interesting! Perfect fit for the "Most Unusual-Shaped Veggie" award.
Bookhenge: Could be a graceful swan . . .
Bookhenge: Or a not-so-scary cobra. Next time you see this squash he'll be wearing googly eyes ;-)
Bookhenge: Cullen gets down . . .
Bookhenge: Way down . . .
Bookhenge: Seriously down . . .
Bookhenge: Under the green sky. . .
Bookhenge: Double the flavor! Fig preserves by Jane! And fig-almond bread by Diane!
Bookhenge: Lesson time!
Bookhenge: Murphy comes to brighten the day!!!
Bookhenge: Ahhhh and get a little green bean treat!!!
Bookhenge: Yum!
Bookhenge: Nada's cuke!
Bookhenge: National Charity League voluntees work on bouquets for The Flower Shuttle . . .
Bookhenge: So pretty!
Bookhenge: Bouquets to brighten someone's day!!!
Bookhenge: Thanks so much for not only creating bouqets but helping us deliver them.
Bookhenge: Free-at-last (and for the moment)
Bookhenge: Cullen's popcorn
Bookhenge: Looking good!
Bookhenge: Okra of red and green varieties . . .
Bookhenge: Seriously. I eat this raw? Okra???
Bookhenge: Pretty peppers