Bookhenge: And the "Most Unusually-Shaped Vegetable" award for this year goes to our question-mark trombone squash.
Bookhenge: Ask Me a Question! We could have a Garden Ambassador answering questions during peak visitors hours ;-)
Bookhenge: 45116FCB-5628-4176-BD36-0D3392074452
Bookhenge: Swamp hibiscus bloom is something to smile about ;-)
Bookhenge: Heads-up! There are sunflowers blooming in the garden!
Bookhenge: Sunflower personalities-- kinda shy
Bookhenge: Nodding off . . .
Bookhenge: Lovely day for pickin' pole beans . . .
Bookhenge: Huge harvest on Saturday!
Bookhenge: Tiny, hidden melon
Bookhenge: Bee taking a sip from a Mexican petunia. Sometimes the bee flies impossibly deep inside the trumpet-like blossom but then again, sometimes the bee seems to accessing the pollen via the blossom's base. Curious!
Bookhenge: Side view of bee's unusual approach to pollen-collecting . . .
Bookhenge: Steeple in the distance
Bookhenge: Lush
Bookhenge: That doesn't look good! Small, green tomato rots on the vine.
Bookhenge: Mandevilla on trellis
Bookhenge: Close-up on mandevilla on trellis
Bookhenge: That tiny Doll Baby melon must be ready to go!
Bookhenge: Ready to rock'n roll . . .
Bookhenge: In the car . . .
Bookhenge: Headed in to be weighed . . .
Bookhenge: I'm next!
Bookhenge: It's adorable!
Bookhenge: More tomatoes from 9A & B. That makes almost 25 pounds!
Bookhenge: A good mid-week donation!