Bookhenge: First-time gardener, not-too-sure about this ;-)
Bookhenge: Collards to harvest . . .
Bookhenge: Yikes! Collard bolting! Not tasty once they flower.
Bookhenge: First task is to pull up the bolting collards . . .
Bookhenge: Piece-of-cake!
Bookhenge: I can do this with one hand.
Bookhenge: Hmmmm maybe two hands.
Bookhenge: Maybe three hands . . .
Bookhenge: Nope, this is a four-hand collard.
Bookhenge: There she comes!!!
Bookhenge: Success!
Bookhenge: Oh, no. More bolting collards!!!
Bookhenge: Harvesting leaves is easy!
Bookhenge: Leaf-by-leaf fills the basket . . .
Bookhenge: A basket full of collard leaves . . .
Bookhenge: To the kitchen with a little help from a Handbell parent volunteer . . . Handbell???
Bookhenge: That's right. Handbells. The Capital Area Young Ringers Festival 2019!
Bookhenge: Very serious musicians . . .
Bookhenge: Meanwhile, in the kitchen . . .
Bookhenge: Prepping collards to cook . . .
Bookhenge: Strip from the stem . . .
Bookhenge: Also, separate the small leaves from the large -- larger leaves take longer to cook
Bookhenge: Collard Fest, here we come!
Bookhenge: Meanwhile, back in the garden . . .
Bookhenge: Wise decision to cover beds ready to plant . . .
Bookhenge: Carrots successfully planted . . .
Bookhenge: But those tiny seeds don't make it easy!!!
Bookhenge: Planting sugar snaps . . .
Bookhenge: Teamwork
Bookhenge: Time to take out the holey boards . . .