Bookhenge: Though tattered, our Victory flag still waves proudly . . .
Bookhenge: Broccoli and collards took a hit from the big winds that blew through with Michael.
Bookhenge: Mystery fruit? Can you ID it?
Bookhenge: in context . . .
Bookhenge: the flower of the mystery fruit . . .
Bookhenge: Correct! The unmistakable passion flower. Though not the one you think. This is the tropical variety grown at Duke Gardens.
Bookhenge: Three stages of the passion flower (Thanks, Bev!)
Bookhenge: Passion flower vine that ate the swing.
Bookhenge: Be sure and check this plant out when you drive by. There are hundreds of blooms.
Bookhenge: Sadly, we will lose our orchard to the parking lot. We hope to save our trees -- especially our persimmon trees.
Bookhenge: Sugar snaps in October???
Bookhenge: Our very late sugar snaps come through. Now, if the frost will just hold off.
Bookhenge: Our giant Silverleaf sunflower took a hit from the storms.
Bookhenge: Mixing amendments . . .
Bookhenge: Planting onion sets . . .
Bookhenge: Got collards?
Bookhenge: The smaller collards fared better in the storm.
Bookhenge: Broccoli got knocked down a bit but still growing strong.
Bookhenge: Christmas is coming! Asparagus berries dangle from fronds.
Bookhenge: It's not what you think growing in the compost bin. Unless you thought Castor Bean plant. No worries. It's been dispatched.
Bookhenge: Happy bitter melon vines!
Bookhenge: Marty invites our fairly new gardener, Chingli, to share the journey that brought him here.
Bookhenge: Chingli tells us of his journey to Raleigh and his work in entomology at NC State.
Bookhenge: What a wonderful addition to our break times! A chance to learn about our gardeners. Thank you, Marty!
Bookhenge: Chingli and his gardening daughter Ree.
Bookhenge: Our other new gardener, Chingfeng.
Bookhenge: Welcome to the garden, Chingfeng! Chingfeng told us about her training and work in waste water management.
Bookhenge: Growing friendships . . .
Bookhenge: Chingli at work planting collards.
Bookhenge: Bev shows off.