Bookhenge: The persimmon tree shows its colors!
Bookhenge: Beet greens show lovely fall colors, too.
Bookhenge: The garden is looking tidy and all tucked in for the winter.
Bookhenge: Welcome back, Connie!!!
Bookhenge: So good to have you back!
Bookhenge: Oh, you think that's a big squash? Just wait 'til you see our blue-ribbon squash!!!
Bookhenge: Gardeners look good in green!
Bookhenge: Hard at work!
Bookhenge: What do you mean don't take down the cucamelon vines? No, that's not funny.
Bookhenge: Sweet sugar snap blossom
Bookhenge: Why are the blossoms different colors???
Bookhenge: Yum! Sugar snaps!
Bookhenge: Bitter melon and peppers
Bookhenge: Let's take out this Japanese basil or red mint . . .
Bookhenge: Maybe we need reinforcements . . .
Bookhenge: It takes a village . . .
Bookhenge: Bitter melon is still producing lots of melons!
Bookhenge: Woohoo! A favorite! Watermelon radishes!
Bookhenge: You can guess why they're called watermelon radishes . . .
Bookhenge: Those ground cherries/husk cherries/pineapple tomatillos neveer give up!
Bookhenge: Sneaky, too ;-)
Bookhenge: Coffee weather
Bookhenge: Flowers in the garden are still pretty.
Bookhenge: Ahhhh, it's good to be in the garden again!
Bookhenge: Collards and leeks
Bookhenge: Broccoli is looking good!
Bookhenge: Beginning signs of flowering broccoli head . . .
Bookhenge: Look at all those Austrian Winter pea shoots . . .
Bookhenge: Austrian winter peas are beginning to climb . . .
Bookhenge: Nothing says freshness like lettuce!