Bookhenge: Yikes! They spotted me.
Bookhenge: Maybe I'll just blend into the surroundings.
Bookhenge: No, I'm out of here.
Bookhenge: But, first, take time to nibble the pansies.
Bookhenge: I'm just playing it cool.
Bookhenge: Nope, I'm out of here.
Bookhenge: It's called high-tailin'
Bookhenge: Ready for a tomato-pruning lesson . . . (thanks to Bev for photo)
Bookhenge: Leave your heart at home! (thanks to Bev for photo)
Bookhenge: First, remove bottom leaves. Water splashing soil on leaves encourages spread of pathogens. (thanks to Bev for photo)
Bookhenge: How many suckers can you find??? (thanks to Bev for photo)
Bookhenge: Here's one! (thanks to Bev for photo)
Bookhenge: Be sure and make a slit here in the stem . . . (thanks to Bev for photo)
Bookhenge: Slit goes here. Now plant to grow a new tomato plant. (thanks to Bev for photo)
Bookhenge: First off, tomato and basil -- great companion plants! (thanks to Bev for phot)
Bookhenge: Blueberry Alert! Berries are ripening! It won't be long now.
Bookhenge: Lots of Thyme
Bookhenge: Switching asparagus beds to harvest. Will harvest 7B now and let 7A rest. (thanks to Bev for photo)
Bookhenge: We'll let this grow to store up energy for next year/s crop.
Bookhenge: Clearning 7B in preparation for future harvesting (thanks to Bev for photo)
Bookhenge: Asparagus seedling (thanks to Bev for photo)
Bookhenge: Prune just below the soil surface . . . (thanks to Bev for photo)
Bookhenge: So the crown looks like a hundred-leg octopus . . . (thanks to Bev for photo)
Bookhenge: Original crowns were about this big! (thanks to Bev for photo).
Bookhenge: Blueberry enclosure construction is underway . . .
Bookhenge: This is going to be a BIG project!
Bookhenge: Thank you, Carter!
Bookhenge: Unsightly rosemary -- good riddance!
Bookhenge: Harvesting speeds up in the rain
Bookhenge: Hey, a little rain is refreshing . . .