6luciole: Adèle my Agathe by Linda Macario
6luciole: Adèle my Agathe by Linda Macario
6luciole: Adèle my Agathe by Linda Macario
6luciole: Hope by Kaye Wiggs
6luciole: Hope by Kaye Wiggs
6luciole: Hope by Kaye Wiggs
6luciole: Celya, my tan Cinny by Kaye Wiggs
6luciole: Lysandra, my fair Cinny by Kaye Wiggs
6luciole: Pia by Pam Macy
6luciole: Brownie, lovely sweetheart, Laryssa by Kaye Wiggs
6luciole: Brownie, lovely sweetheart, Laryssa by Kaye Wiggs
6luciole: Brownie, lovely sweetheart, Laryssa by Kaye Wiggs
6luciole: Katushka, my wonderful kitty Koneko by Kaye Wiggs
6luciole: Katushka, my wonderful kitty Koneko by Kaye Wiggs
6luciole: Katushka, my wonderful kitty Koneko by Kaye Wiggs
6luciole: Katushka, my wonderful kitty Koneko by Kaye Wiggs
6luciole: Katushka, my wonderful kitty Koneko by Kaye Wiggs
6luciole: Katushka, beautiful Koneko by Kaye Wiggs
6luciole: Nelly is back Home ...
6luciole: Sage too ...
6luciole: And Tillie ...
6luciole: And Lillie
6luciole: Sage
6luciole: Lillie
6luciole: Tillie
6luciole: Nelly
6luciole: Wonderful Elfie, a magnificent Misery Elpie by Woodolls creation <3<3<3
6luciole: Cream Lill
6luciole: Elfie
6luciole: Cream Lill