galanthophile: St Helen's Stillingfleet Yorkshire
galanthophile: Door St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: Norman doorway St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: Norman door stonework - St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: St Helen's Stillingfleet - Norman doorway
galanthophile: St Helen's Stillingfleet - Norman doorway
galanthophile: South west door - St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: Ship detail from 12th century door - St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: 12th century door detail - St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: Interior St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: Moreby effigy c1337 - St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: Moreby effigy detail - St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: Stained glass - St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: Epiphany stained glass scene - St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: Norman doorway carvings - St Helen's Stillingfeet Yorkshire
galanthophile: Norman doorway carvings - St Helen's Stillingfeet Yorkshire
galanthophile: St Helen's Stillingfleet Yorkshire
galanthophile: St Helen's Stillingfleet Yorkshire
galanthophile: St Helen's Stillingfleet Yorkshire
galanthophile: St Helen's Stillingfleet Yorkshire
galanthophile: St Helen's Stillingfleet Yorkshire
galanthophile: St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: Saracen in submission carving - St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: Crowned figure - St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: Lych gate at St Helen's church in Stillingfleet
galanthophile: Coat of arms - St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: Norman carvings on the 12th century doorway at St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: Saint Mary - St Helen's Stillingfleet
galanthophile: St Helen - St Helen's Stillingfleet