icuong: IAPS convention
icuong: IAPS convention
icuong: IAPS convention
icuong: IAPS convention
icuong: With Anne Hevener, Editor of the Pastel Journal Magazine
icuong: With Pat and Bob Suggs
icuong: With artist Terri Ford
icuong: Terri Ford and her winning painting
icuong: My painting "Bacchus" at the show
icuong: With Liz Haywood-Sullivan and Maggie Price
icuong: Evely painting at the show
icuong: "Red Robin" by Rita Kirkman
icuong: "Waiting Tide" by Christine Bodnar
icuong: "Lemon in Pastel" by Stephanie Birdsall
icuong: "The Helper" by Vianna Szabo
icuong: "Long Way Home" by Kathleen Newman
icuong: "Yellow & Green Peppers" by Sangita Phadke
icuong: work07
icuong: "Looking Back" by Sally Strand Silver Medal Award
icuong: "The Measure of Her Day" by William Hosner Gold Medal Award
icuong: "After the Storm" by Maggie Price
icuong: "Maria" by Diana De Santis
icuong: "Boulder Creek Afterglow" by Liz Haywood-Sullivan
icuong: "Kevin with Dgembe" by Jeanne Ciravolo
icuong: "Sunrise at Bright Angel" by Paul Murray
icuong: "The Marsh" by Linda Dellandre
icuong: "A Couple Moments" by Ilene Gienger-Stanfield
icuong: work017
icuong: "An Extra Slice of Lemon" by Karen Howard
icuong: Artist Paint Out: Liz Sullivan