PineleafNeedles: Speaking to a Ranger at Esteldin
PineleafNeedles: Crossing the Trestlebridge
PineleafNeedles: Entering the Village of Trestlebridge
PineleafNeedles: Inside the Scholar's Enclave
PineleafNeedles: Inside the Prancing Pony
PineleafNeedles: Welcome to the Prancing Pony
PineleafNeedles: In the Shire
PineleafNeedles: CP1 - The Main Gate
PineleafNeedles: CP2E - The Eastern Gate
PineleafNeedles: CP2E - Viewing Bombardment
PineleafNeedles: CP1 - Control Point
PineleafNeedles: CP2W - The Western Gate
PineleafNeedles: CP1 - Main Gate Wargs
PineleafNeedles: CP3 - Rainfall
PineleafNeedles: CP2E - Wargs
PineleafNeedles: CP3 - Courtyard
PineleafNeedles: CP4 - Troll
PineleafNeedles: CP3 - Troll
PineleafNeedles: CP3 - Counterattack
PineleafNeedles: CP4 - Cleared
PineleafNeedles: CP5 - Overview
PineleafNeedles: CP5 - Captapults
PineleafNeedles: CP5 - Burning
PineleafNeedles: CP6 - Ranger at End
PineleafNeedles: CP6 - Approaching Graug
PineleafNeedles: CP6 - Outside Tent
PineleafNeedles: CP6 - Entering Tent
PineleafNeedles: Boss - Scout Escaping
PineleafNeedles: Boss - Graug