epitree: Vespula vulgaris helping itself to the Spiders meal (Amphipsalta zelandica)
epitree: Tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae)
epitree: Todiramphus sanctus with Fish prey
epitree: Cryptachaea gigantipes with Polistes chinensis prey
epitree: Bird dropping spider (Celaenia tuberosa)
epitree: Jumping spider with Ichneumon wasp prey
epitree: Rhipicera cf. reichei
epitree: Hortophora transmarina
epitree: Austracantha minax
epitree: Hortophora transmarina (Male)
epitree: Latrodectus hasselti
epitree: Miridae
epitree: Megadolomedes australianus
epitree: Red and black spider (Nicodamidae)
epitree: TV Mast through Pylon
epitree: Sunrise
epitree: Rooster (Cockerel)
epitree: Jumping spider with prey.
epitree: Turdus philomelos (Fledgling)
epitree: Barbed wire
epitree: Wasp (Genus Pseudofoenus)
epitree: Cicada (Kikihia ochrina)
epitree: Vespula germanica with jumping spider
epitree: Syndesus cornutus (Male)
epitree: Saropogon clarkii with Wasp prey
epitree: Ranoidea aurea and Miomantis caffra
epitree: Miomantis caffra
epitree: Crucibulum laeve
epitree: Moss and grey willow
epitree: Cyathus striatus