jestrauss: Jerusalem lunch
jestrauss: Jerusalem lunch
jestrauss: P1030428
jestrauss: Kate Ben Yehuda Street
jestrauss: black and blue at yad vashem
jestrauss: seesters on a hilltop
jestrauss: happy hour at the harmony hotel
jestrauss: happy hour at the harmony hotel
jestrauss: Gelite's youngest
jestrauss: cousin pile
jestrauss: Ariel
jestrauss: group shot at mount of olives
jestrauss: scrappy camel.
jestrauss: mount of olives vista
jestrauss: nun in between
jestrauss: Bar Mitzvah #1 at the western wall
jestrauss: bar mitzvah #2
jestrauss: bar mitzvah atendees peering over to the male side of the wall
jestrauss: I love ethan's bar mitzah
jestrauss: gals
jestrauss: gals
jestrauss: wall
jestrauss: ladies
jestrauss: andy's dream machine
jestrauss: arab market
jestrauss: riding in style
jestrauss: for the kids
jestrauss: guns and moses