Roberto Simas: Seagulls
Roberto Simas: Peacock
Roberto Simas: Seagull
Roberto Simas: A bird having its meal
Roberto Simas: Amazing bird
Roberto Simas: Nice bird
Roberto Simas: Big_tail2
Roberto Simas: Long_neck3
Roberto Simas: Getting warm
Roberto Simas: Ducks_2
Roberto Simas: Ostrich_2
Roberto Simas: Quero-quero between flowers
Roberto Simas: Quero-quero between flowers_2
Roberto Simas: Quero-quero between flowers_3
Roberto Simas: Seagull
Roberto Simas: Owl looking back
Roberto Simas: Seagull_2
Roberto Simas: Seagull shadow
Roberto Simas: Flamingo
Roberto Simas: The Duck
Roberto Simas: Flamingo_2
Roberto Simas: Bird leaving the tree
Roberto Simas: Bird on the fence_3
Roberto Simas: Birdon on the tree_2
Roberto Simas: Bird on the fence_2
Roberto Simas: Bird on the fence
Roberto Simas: Bird on the tree