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RockClimbing by Jay zen
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Jay zen
J'Man on the 1st accent of the 1st pitch on "Right Wing Extremist" 23/24/25
Jay zen
The Mighty Bluffs.
Jay zen
JJ Punching the last crux on "Karmagetten"
Jay zen
Legendary Knee bar.Its what champions are made off.
Jay zen
JJ on his first accent of "Karmagetten" 26/27
Jay zen
Jonhy pommy Wild warming up.
Jay zen
Ahh! The Picturesque Central Coast at its best.
Jay zen
JJ on a steep line at west gosford
Jay zen
Justin JJ Jeferson Crankin at West Gosford
Jay zen
Keith taking advantage of a "Redlight Special" 18
Jay zen
ado mesada 29
Jay zen
ado mesada 29
Jay zen
29 or 30 Mesada
Jay zen
ado mesada 4
Jay zen
jc on slopin n sleezn 28
Jay zen
slopn n sleezn
Jay zen
who's short curly is does this belong too
Jay zen
Adrian Child, Climbing Balistic Bar Mitzvah V4, J Bay
Jay zen
Adrian Child, Climbing Balistic BaR Mitzvah V4, J Bay