ICRock: Baby BigHorn and mama BigHorn(Ewe)
ICRock: BigHorn Sheep(Rams)
ICRock: BigHorn Rams at two jack lake
ICRock: Baby bighorn makes an entrance..
ICRock: BigRam of two jack Lake
ICRock: baby bighorn ram at two jack lake
ICRock: BigHorn Ram of lake minnewanka, banff
ICRock: bighorn ram...tttwo close for comfort
ICRock: BigHorn Rams of lake minnewanka, banff
ICRock: BigHorn Ram of lake minnewanka, banff
ICRock: Big Ram lives up to his name...big horns and a big curl...
ICRock: Big Ram lives up to his name...big horns and a big curl...
ICRock: BigHorn Rams of lake minnewanka, banff
ICRock: BigHorn Ram of lake minnewanka, banff
ICRock: BigHorn Sheep convoy to lake minnewanka..
ICRock: Bighorn Ram at Lake Minnewanka
ICRock: Babe bighorns of lake minnewanka
ICRock: BigHorn Ram stands over two jack
ICRock: bighorn Ram of lake minnewanka
ICRock: Baby Bighorn
ICRock: big stretch for a drink...
ICRock: Baby Bighorn
ICRock: Bighorn Ewes at two jack lake
ICRock: Bighorn Ewe and mt rundell at two jack lake
ICRock: I got 'mooned'
ICRock: bighorn sheep of lake minnewanka
ICRock: BigHorn Sheep of lake minnewanka
ICRock: bighorn sheep of lake minnewanka
ICRock: Bighorn sheep at lake minnewanka
ICRock: baby bighorn sheep at lake minnewanka