brucieshots2011: George Gardner
brucieshots2011: George Gardner
brucieshots2011: Mary Agnes Gardner and son George Gardner
brucieshots2011: Frank Sewell
brucieshots2011: Article in L'Ignymontain journal. Montigny le Bretonneux February 2015
brucieshots2011: Invitation for Commemorative Plaque Unveiling - 4 February 2015
brucieshots2011: Lunch with Simone Perrot and Juliette Kemeneur and Claudine and Francois Adroit
brucieshots2011: Montigny le Bretonneux 4 February 2015
brucieshots2011: Montigny le Bretonneux 4 February 2015
brucieshots2011: Montigny le Bretonneux 4 February 2015
brucieshots2011: Montigny le Bretonneux 4 February 2015
brucieshots2011: Artwork presented to Mayor of Montigny at Commemoration on 4 February 2015
brucieshots2011: Artwork presented to Mayor of Montigny at Commemoration on 4 February 2015
brucieshots2011: Thank-you art card prepared by Ngaire Gardner
brucieshots2011: Montigny le Bretonneux 4 February 2015
brucieshots2011: Montigny le Bretonneux 4 February 2015
brucieshots2011: Mayor and Deputy Mayor
brucieshots2011: Children from Manet Elementaire and Mayor presenting artwork
brucieshots2011: Byron Gardner recording proceedings
brucieshots2011: Les enfants - Manet Elementaire
brucieshots2011: Artwork prepared by children of Manet Elementaire School - presented to Bruce Gardner at commemoration on 4 February 2015.
brucieshots2011: Laying of wreath from Ville de Montigny
brucieshots2011: Representatives from British, Australian and New Zealand Embassies about to lay wreaths
brucieshots2011: Newspaper story Le Parisien 5 February 2015
brucieshots2011: Bruce and Byron at the site of the commemorative plaque on the wall of the Chateau du Manet, Chemin des Mulets
brucieshots2011: Commemorative Plaque Unveiled 4 february 2015. Chemin des Mulets, Montigny
brucieshots2011: Wreaths at Plaque site, Chemin des Mulets
brucieshots2011: Wreath laid by Ville de Montigny UNC
brucieshots2011: Wreath laid by Shaun Fogarty, Assistant Defence Attache, NZ Embassy, Paris
brucieshots2011: Montigny le Bretonneux 5 February 2015