porz: Mount Cook
porz: Minnis Bay, Birchington, Margate
porz: Pissoirs
porz: Eiffelturm 2
porz: Bison
porz: Seattle Skyline
porz: Mossy trees in Hoh rainforrest Stereo_DSC_2730_2731
porz: Swiss guard in Vatikan, parallel stereo
porz: Laocoön group/Laocoon Gruppe, parallel stereo, Stereo_DSC_7250_7251
porz: Sunrise in Kruger National Park
porz: Young elephants feeding each other
porz: Coastline north of Cape Point, South Africa
porz: Bird of paradise (Strelizia reginae)
porz: Cliffs of Moher
porz: The Squaire
porz: Feeling the vertigo?
porz: Pissoirs, revisited
porz: Laocoön group/Laocoon Gruppe
porz: Crumbling sand dune
porz: Seattle Skyline
porz: Feengrotten Saalfeld
porz: Lindis Pass
porz: Be the pulse of Europe!
porz: Swiss guard
porz: Cellar of Colosseum in Rome, parallel stereo, Stereo_DSC_7000_7001
porz: When there were still real winters in Germany
porz: Grand canyon of the Yellowstone
porz: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, parallel stereo, Stereo_DSC_8089_8090
porz: Wattwanderung/mudflat hiking tour
porz: Sunrise in Gaas