Brick Zero: Tatooine
Brick Zero: Tanning
Brick Zero: Brace appointment
Brick Zero: Since when!?
Brick Zero: Should happen every time
Brick Zero: More please
Brick Zero: Vaders present
Brick Zero: Looks can be deceiving.
Brick Zero: decaled storm trooper, and modified gun
Brick Zero: hows your wookie, its a little CHEWY.
Brick Zero: Technical difficulties
Brick Zero: Boot camp
Brick Zero: They see me rollin....
Brick Zero: Sandtroopers
Brick Zero: Star Destroyer Class Status: Infected
Brick Zero: Testing out the new armory
Brick Zero: Starwars Battlefront: Yavin Court yard
Brick Zero: Starwars Battlefront: Rise of the Empire
Brick Zero: Vaders finest.
Brick Zero: The silent type and up close and personal
Brick Zero: Death Star corridor