Inspiration from Photos:
Inspiration from Photos:
Come Down From there!
Inspiration from Photos:
Male Wood Duck
Inspiration from Photos:
Lesser Yellowlegs
Inspiration from Photos:
Driftwood log amid Pacific Wild Iris
Inspiration from Photos:
Crow Foot
Inspiration from Photos:
Great Blue Heron
Inspiration from Photos:
Canada Goose at rest
Inspiration from Photos:
Ah, my own island....such as it is!
Inspiration from Photos:
Who's there?
Inspiration from Photos:
Zig-zag Log Boom ; where are the Waterfowl?
Inspiration from Photos:
Song Sparrow; I know because I heard him singing!
Inspiration from Photos:
Here's Lookin' at You, Kid!
Inspiration from Photos:
Darling Duckling
Inspiration from Photos:
Inspiration from Photos:
Log-Perching Mallard
Inspiration from Photos:
Family out for a walk in the sunshine
Inspiration from Photos:
I'm in flight and I'm serious!
Inspiration from Photos:
It's the 'L'-shape wing pattern
Inspiration from Photos:
Inspiration from Photos:
V for Victory ... in take-off.
Inspiration from Photos:
On a mission to spot food!
Inspiration from Photos:
Inspiration from Photos:
Regal Bald Eagle
Inspiration from Photos:
Hmmm, I'm almost on the top branch...
Inspiration from Photos:
I wonder if I need suntan lotion....
Inspiration from Photos:
Brightly Coloured Barn Swallow
Inspiration from Photos:
Rough Landing for this Barn Swallow
Inspiration from Photos:
Stretch that wing....
Inspiration from Photos:
A quick fly-by! (You startled me!)