chicore2011: IMG04554"Cui i-e frica de magarus?"
chicore2011: Photo3032
chicore2011: IMG05527anvelopaDaciapapuc/spare tyre on a Dacia car
chicore2011: Photo2568
chicore2011: IMG04839plesnitoare
chicore2011: IMG04885hhmasina/paper roll on the rear shelf of a car
chicore2011: IMG05369pe aici/this way (interesting sign)
chicore2011: IMG05353
chicore2011: IMG04959
chicore2011: IMG05373scoala/school
chicore2011: 1a (85)
chicore2011: qwe Panda bear
chicore2011: scan0089
chicore2011: IMG13248
chicore2011: IMG15190
chicore2011: P100103035
chicore2011: Photo7437
chicore2011: Photo8864
chicore2011: IMG16624
chicore2011: IMG16914
chicore2011: IMG17317scoala
chicore2011: IMG17347pomacasa