graham.curtis: 5 Speed transmission components
graham.curtis: Assembly Instructions
graham.curtis: Clutch centre
graham.curtis: Clutch Hub and pressure plate
graham.curtis: 001 Exhaust Bracket
graham.curtis: 001 Chain and Sprockets
graham.curtis: 002 Ground Rivets
graham.curtis: 003 Plate removed
graham.curtis: 004 New Sprocket in place
graham.curtis: 005 Holes tapped and plate countersunk
graham.curtis: 006 Job done
graham.curtis: yoshi 305 :1
graham.curtis: yoshi 305 :2
graham.curtis: yoshi 305 :3
graham.curtis: yoshi 305 :4
graham.curtis: CB72 with_CYB_parts_fitted
graham.curtis: Cams & Roller Rockers
graham.curtis: 001 CYB gear set and spares
graham.curtis: 001 Selectors & drum
graham.curtis: 002 selectors & drum
graham.curtis: 003 Selector detent
graham.curtis: 001 Valve Heads CB72 - V50III
graham.curtis: 002 Valve Stems
graham.curtis: 001 CYB 5-Speed
graham.curtis: 002 CYB 5-speed
graham.curtis: IMG_5119
graham.curtis: IMG_5121
graham.curtis: IMG_5122
graham.curtis: IMG_6434
graham.curtis: IMG_6433