Ragnarok77: Self-Portrait Wearing a Velvet Dress
Ragnarok77: Fruits of the Earth
Ragnarok77: Self-Portrait with Necklace
Ragnarok77: The Dream
Ragnarok77: The Two Fridas
Ragnarok77: Self-Portrait Dedicated to Dr. Eloesser
Ragnarok77: Self-Portrait Dedicated to Sigmund Firestone
Ragnarok77: Self-Portrait
Ragnarok77: Self-Portrait as a Tehuana
Ragnarok77: Self-Portrait Dedicated to Marte R. Gómez
Ragnarok77: The Love Embrace of the Universe
Ragnarok77: Self-Portrait with Braid
Ragnarok77: Self-Portrait with Monkeys
Ragnarok77: Self-Portrait with Unbound Hair
Ragnarok77: The Wounded Deer
Ragnarok77: Self-Portrait with Portrait of Dr. Juan Farill
Ragnarok77: Roots (The Pedregal)