meizzwang: S. flava var. rugelii
meizzwang: Lewisia rediviva in cultivation
meizzwang: Lewisia rediviva in cultivation
meizzwang: S. leucophylla RED (franklin Co clone B x Wilkerson's Red Rocket) select clone
meizzwang: S rosea Liberty Co, FL
meizzwang: S rosea Liberty Co, FL
meizzwang: Far behind this year compared to other years
meizzwang: Far behind this year compared to other years
meizzwang: Far behind this year compared to other years
meizzwang: Far behind this year compared to other years
meizzwang: Far behind this year compared to other years
meizzwang: Far behind this year compared to other years
meizzwang: Far behind this year compared to other years
meizzwang: Far behind this year compared to other years