Marika's World: "The spell was broken. My uncle learned to laugh, and I learned to cry. The secret garden is always open now. Open, and awake, and alive. If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden."
Marika's World: When the plain and ordinary is just not enough...
Marika's World: In the heart of the forest
Marika's World: Twin moons
Marika's World: I felt a strong urge to nudge the tripod.. I'm glad I did.
Marika's World: Mind works in mysterious ways...
Marika's World: Succumb...
Marika's World: My life in a pond
Marika's World: Feels like I cheated...
Marika's World: Abandoned
Marika's World: Nothing can hurt you in your dreams
Marika's World: Day 53. Snowblind
Marika's World: Frozen monochrome
Marika's World: Day 75. Black tulips for maidens grief
Marika's World: Day 87. Fl ick r
Marika's World: As far as the eye can see..
Marika's World: Pillars of hope
Marika's World: Day 135. I dream of...
Marika's World: Day 185. Reach out
Marika's World: Day 197. Peaceful
Marika's World: Day 202. Days long past...
Marika's World: Day 203. Abstract light and water patterns
Marika's World: Day 249. Colour my world
Marika's World: 57/365 Nice pear
Marika's World: Crooked house on a crooked road