billesch: Start of the hike at Sonora Pass
billesch: The trail disappeared under snow after a half mile.
billesch: Retrieving my water bottle
billesch: typical view for the first few miles
billesch: High altittude lichens and plants.
billesch: Peaceful evening rain below treeline
billesch: Dorothy lake and rain storm
billesch: Wilma (wilmer) lake
billesch: Buck
billesch: our campsite
billesch: flowers along the trail
billesch: more flowers along the trail
billesch: large flower
billesch: Kerrick canyon snow bank.
billesch: taking a break during an afternoon rain storm
billesch: lakes near Seavey pass.
billesch: Benson lake.
billesch: Trees blown down over the trail near Benson lake.
billesch: fish in Smedberg lake.
billesch: Benson Pass
billesch: trailside foot care break
billesch: Taking a nice lunch break
billesch: Easy stream crossing.
billesch: Butterfly and flower
billesch: Creek crossing in Matterhorn canyon
billesch: Miller lake
billesch: Spiller creek late in the afternoon.
billesch: Tree Hugger
billesch: Cold Canyon meadow
billesch: Approaching Yosemite