questingeye: zenith 11 feb -march 09
questingeye: edale walk zorki 4
questingeye: fed4 bw nov09
questingeye: fed 4 long mynd horses
questingeye: fed 4 mam tor from hollins cross oct09
questingeye: fed2 alton street crewe sept 09 6pm
questingeye: another veiw of ironbridge
questingeye: wrekin , hill in shropshire
questingeye: moel fammau walk
questingeye: bull ring taven ludlow fed 4
questingeye: ludlow castle west wall red filter fed4
questingeye: _28_0241
questingeye: old Tec college hightown crewe
questingeye: tower ludlow castle fed4
questingeye: much wenlock priory ruins zenith e
questingeye: much wenlock priory zenith e
questingeye: much wenlock priory ruins zenith e orange filter
questingeye: again moreton corbett
questingeye: moreton corbett ruins
questingeye: Trees on walk homage to ansel adams
questingeye: View from bridge of betton warf
questingeye: below shining tor
questingeye: Litteshall abbey
questingeye: litlshall abbey
questingeye: Across the bridge
questingeye: fed 4 fp4 red filter
questingeye: fed4 fp4 orange filter
questingeye: Montgomery canal,early spring
questingeye: Palacios,Goliad and not sure where,but it’s TEXAS