D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Hover Fly on Feverfew Plant?
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Evening Primrose.
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Insect on Evening Primrose.
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Strange Haircut!
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Hover fly. (Female Eristalis Arbustorum)?
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: In the Hedge.
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: A Rose by any other name, would smell as sweet.
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Roses are Red...
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Painting by numbers?
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Two rooftops.
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Marbella Vista.
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Paradise! (Sunset over Gibraltar)
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: All Flights Suspended.
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Dragon Fly (Taken by Karl Reubins)
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Dragon/Damson Fly (Taken by Karl Reubins)
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: A Study in Black & White.
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Coral Fungus (or Yellow Stagshorn)
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Sunset Over Hengistbury Head,Dorset,England.
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Honeysuckle.
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Stairway To Heaven!
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: The Tide is High!
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: Clouds over the Nantlle Range.