michalahav: water containers for sale
michalahav: stuff store
michalahav: borewell
michalahav: water transport
michalahav: kids going to the borewell to get water
michalahav: interior of village house
michalahav: old, but not so old ladies
michalahav: bald kid
michalahav: drinking water
michalahav: kevin being his daughter as disneyland
michalahav: JVG, our senior coordinator at PATH
michalahav: neighbors watching
michalahav: lovely
michalahav: participant consent
michalahav: buffalo hurd going by as we were filming the session
michalahav: hat kid
michalahav: I have yet to see another woman look like this
michalahav: love this pic
michalahav: village testosterone
michalahav: village girl
michalahav: neighbors to the study
michalahav: kids saying goodbye as we left the village
michalahav: my hotel bed at the Taj Deccan
michalahav: lab tech
michalahav: lab results