Patricia ~: snowy pasture
Patricia ~: Cafe Angelica
Patricia ~: missing pieces
Patricia ~: charleys grill
Patricia ~: calotype
Patricia ~: GMC truck in the rain
Patricia ~: horses in the fog
Patricia ~: foggy morning
Patricia ~: Sadie
Patricia ~: Sadie and her nose
Patricia ~: Parker
Patricia ~: Howgi
Patricia ~: I love old houses. Snapped this while out riding My bike.
Patricia ~: Wildflowers of Sweet Pea, Yarrow, and Spiderwort.
Patricia ~: winterland
Patricia ~: faded roses black and white
Patricia ~: faded roses
Patricia ~: mother daughter hands
Patricia ~: eagle
Patricia ~: granny smith
Patricia ~: life of a tree
Patricia ~: snowy cedar
Patricia ~: pelican(s)
Patricia ~: spring river
Patricia ~: natures reflection
Patricia ~: path to the lake