jun zee: gettin air on the way to the Getty
jun zee: gettin air on the way to the Getty
jun zee: gettin air on the way to the Getty
jun zee: gettin air on the way to the Getty
jun zee: Getty tram
jun zee: Getty = heaven!!
jun zee: Kim and Clay
jun zee: Kim and Clay
jun zee: Kim and Clay
jun zee: Kim and Clay
jun zee: Kim and Clay
jun zee: Kim and Clay
jun zee: Kim at the fountain
jun zee: Kim at the fountain
jun zee: damn, Clay, you're so hot!
jun zee: Clay
jun zee: Kim at the Getty
jun zee: Kim at the Getty
jun zee: Kim at the Getty
jun zee: Kim at the Getty
jun zee: Kim and Clay
jun zee: Kim and Clay
jun zee: Kim and Clay
jun zee: Clay...is that...REALLY a fly on your lip?!!
jun zee: there ya go, power of photoshop!
jun zee: Kim and Clay
jun zee: me. :P
jun zee: partners in crime
jun zee: partners in crime
jun zee: partners in crime