71B / 70F: Help is at hand
71B / 70F: Under the sea
71B / 70F: Max headroom
71B / 70F: Uplifting
71B / 70F: Ouch
71B / 70F: Over and out
71B / 70F: Suspended bus service
71B / 70F: Help
71B / 70F: A Helping Hand
71B / 70F: To The Rescue
71B / 70F: First on the scene
71B / 70F: Rapier rescue
71B / 70F: Being righted
71B / 70F: On her side
71B / 70F: Recovery
71B / 70F: Manchester side - Liners
71B / 70F: EKA - Wrecker
71B / 70F: In support
71B / 70F: Unrefined
71B / 70F: "Help" I need somebody
71B / 70F: On closer inspection
71B / 70F: Light Bruising
71B / 70F: Stabilized recovery
71B / 70F: Unscheduled detour
71B / 70F: Concrete evidence
71B / 70F: Telescopic trouble
71B / 70F: Assistance required please
71B / 70F: lucky escape
71B / 70F: Lorain MC530 Cab Accident
71B / 70F: The Building Fights Back