maritzburgmerle: James Cawood - Cawood Crest
maritzburgmerle: Captain A. Mackenzie Longmarket St. Pietermaritzburg
maritzburgmerle: Captain Alexander Mackenzie
maritzburgmerle: Captain A. Mackenzie
maritzburgmerle: Doris Mackenzie
maritzburgmerle: Edith Mackenzie Dix
maritzburgmerle: Basil and Doris Cawood
maritzburgmerle: Basil and Doris Cawood
maritzburgmerle: Basil and Doris Cawood
maritzburgmerle: B and D Cawood
maritzburgmerle: Basil and Doris Cawood
maritzburgmerle: Ada Mackenzie
maritzburgmerle: Ada Mackenzie
maritzburgmerle: Ada Mackenzie on verandah
maritzburgmerle: Ada Mackenzie and John Cawood
maritzburgmerle: Basil and John Cawood
maritzburgmerle: John and D Cawood
maritzburgmerle: John and Doris
maritzburgmerle: John and Doris Cawood
maritzburgmerle: Petal Cunningham and John
maritzburgmerle: Mackenzie Clan
maritzburgmerle: John and David Cawood
maritzburgmerle: David, John
maritzburgmerle: David,John,Doris
maritzburgmerle: David and John Cawood
maritzburgmerle: Basil Cawood - Town Clerk Vryheid
maritzburgmerle: 1948 King George, Queen Elizabeth, princesses
maritzburgmerle: John and classmates