Kirkleyjohn: A new snowfall has begun (series)
Kirkleyjohn: A new snowfall has begun (series)
Kirkleyjohn: A new snowfall has begun (series)
Kirkleyjohn: A new snowfall has begun (series)
Kirkleyjohn: Sunset seen from beneath the tree
Kirkleyjohn: A Tree Creeper (Certhia familiaris)
Kirkleyjohn: A Tree Creeper (Certhia familiaris)
Kirkleyjohn: The path through the woods
Kirkleyjohn: The sentinel
Kirkleyjohn: Rabbits grazing in the snow
Kirkleyjohn: A wild rabbit in the snow
Kirkleyjohn: Pony in the snow
Kirkleyjohn: Pony in the snow
Kirkleyjohn: Winter brings beauty to last year's flower heads
Kirkleyjohn: No golf on Beccles Common in the snow! Course closed.
Kirkleyjohn: No golf on Beccles Common in the snow!
Kirkleyjohn: Hoar frost in sunshine
Kirkleyjohn: Snow and hoar frost before the heavier snowfalls
Kirkleyjohn: Walking the dog
Kirkleyjohn: Frosty trees by the marshes
Kirkleyjohn: Frost on the web on this stern
Kirkleyjohn: Spider's web hung with frost
Kirkleyjohn: Teasel and frost
Kirkleyjohn: Rose hips and hoar frost
Kirkleyjohn: Cold on the moorings at Beccles, River Waveney
Kirkleyjohn: Lowestoft Esplanade in frosty weather
Kirkleyjohn: Golden light under the pier
Kirkleyjohn: Reflected sunrise at Lowestoft
Kirkleyjohn: Where did the doggy go?
Kirkleyjohn: Winter is upon us