ew2323: The girls at the airport!
ew2323: View of Cairo from our hotel balcony
ew2323: Another pic from the balcony
ew2323: Typical housing in Cairo
ew2323: More Cairo views on the way to the pyramids
ew2323: Bus in front of us
ew2323: After a 30 minute or so ride we arrive at the pyramids
ew2323: The pyramids are actually right outside of Cairo
ew2323: Entrance to the Pyramid of Khafre...
ew2323: which you can't actually enter..
ew2323: however we were able to descend into the great pyramid of Khufu..
ew2323: but could not take pics inside...
ew2323: Us in front of one of the pyramids
ew2323: Another view
ew2323: Our first donkey siting and certainly not our last
ew2323: After walking around the pyramids we traveled to the other side of them...
ew2323: for a lovely little camel ride (can you hear the sarcasm?)..
ew2323: The view of my camel from above
ew2323: Marchia and Danelle are ready to ride!
ew2323: The view from the camels was pretty amazing and more what I expected...
ew2323: Tricia was a natural; I think she owned camels in her past life..
ew2323: My camel enjoyed the cell phone ring of one of the guide's phones
ew2323: Stacy enjoying the ride
ew2323: Approaching the pyramids...
ew2323: A couple more pyramid shots..
ew2323: Almost there!
ew2323: My camel barking up a storm...
ew2323: and then posing nicely before we took off!
ew2323: and arrived at the Sphynx which was carved between 2532-2558 BC..