Toradoch: Cryogenic container
Toradoch: Landing gear
Toradoch: Bunker buster
Toradoch: Air fuel bomb
Toradoch: Rotor
Toradoch: Millennium Falcon Food Processor
Toradoch: Millennium Falcon Food Processor
Toradoch: Fuel cell and transportation container
Toradoch: landing gear table scrap
Toradoch: Great thing about sorting...
Toradoch: Second round of sorting table scraps...
Toradoch: Have to use this in something...
Toradoch: Pretty sure this is nothing new.
Toradoch: Another container... atmosphere perhaps? The outer envelope is square so it would nest nicely in a 2x4 space
Toradoch: Diagnostic thingamabobber. ..
Toradoch: Small terminal station
Toradoch: Small enviro-suit closet locker
Toradoch: Fuel canisters? Pod missiles?
Toradoch: Quick little rack for the pod canister.
Toradoch: Data control centre
Toradoch: Data centre breakdown
Toradoch: It's... something.
Toradoch: Landing gear table scrap
Toradoch: Landing gear
Toradoch: Landing Gear
Toradoch: Simple turret? Perhaps water cannons?
Toradoch: Table scrap - General use maitbot