LizetteC: fabric 1
LizetteC: auditioning 4 hello petal
LizetteC: aud petal1b
LizetteC: aud petal1
LizetteC: aud petal2bb
LizetteC: hello petal base feltedb
LizetteC: carpet 2b
LizetteC: carpet 2b closer
LizetteC: auditioning threads aloneb
LizetteC: auditioning threads for Hello Petal carpet of flowers
LizetteC: auditioning threads1b
LizetteC: petalprogress1b
LizetteC: petal progress close 1b
LizetteC: carpet shot wide
LizetteC: carpet shot1
LizetteC: carpet hot pink spot
LizetteC: carpet corner
LizetteC: ahellopetalsized(2)
LizetteC: carpet of flowers finished