Stanislawski 2011: Lucky jump, boy! - 31.12.2020
Stanislawski 2011: Save our souls! / Rettet unsere Seelen!
Stanislawski 2011: Hamburg-Blankenese: Beach/Strand 25.11.2020
Stanislawski 2011: Strange faces, looking to the right
Stanislawski 2011: Leaving the reality / Die Realität verlassen
Stanislawski 2011: "ATTENTION please! Police operation - no train service" 03.11.2020
Stanislawski 2011: Rest of perception: ceiling lamp, pile of books, ascending fog light
Stanislawski 2011: Little dog, waiting in front of a supermarket
Stanislawski 2011: "next STOP or END of the line? FUTURE time to change"
Stanislawski 2011: To bee or not to bee -> Text at a S-train in Hamburg
Stanislawski 2011: Each leaf has its own face / Jedes Blatt hat sein eigenes Gesicht
Stanislawski 2011: Father Christmas in quarantine ;-)
Stanislawski 2011: The Big Amazement / Das Große Staunen
Stanislawski 2011: Nightmare or not nightmare - that is the question -> Nov. 2020
Stanislawski 2011: I kiss your hand, madame - Gallantry between the clouds
Stanislawski 2011: Surreal danseuse tries to smell out her child
Stanislawski 2011: Flying figure with 3 heads / Fliegende Gestalt mit 3 Köpfen
Stanislawski 2011: Weltende / End of the world
Stanislawski 2011: Out of the horror to the light
Stanislawski 2011: Wise Cloud-Woman / Weise Wolkenfrau
Stanislawski 2011: "Der Fluss" / "The River" (1938/39)
Stanislawski 2011: "Der Fluss" / "The River" (1938/39) - Detail
Stanislawski 2011: "I don't care, how old I am: I do want an ADVENT CALENDAR"
Stanislawski 2011: Light house Hamburg-Blankenese before demolition - 25.11.2020
Stanislawski 2011: Hamburg - Sülldorf / Iserbrook
Stanislawski 2011: Discovered on a garden hedge / Auf einer Gartenhecke entdeckt
Stanislawski 2011: Autumn leaf in the rain / Herbstblatt im Regen - 21.11.2020
Stanislawski 2011: Hamburg-Sülldorf / Iserbrook
Stanislawski 2011: Volkstrauertag in Deutschland 15.11.2020
Stanislawski 2011: Never again / Nie wieder