vpolichar: Rodney
vpolichar: Rodney sleeping
vpolichar: Valerie and Rob
vpolichar: Tempe sunset
vpolichar: Rob, Sandra, Jim
vpolichar: Snow!
vpolichar: Sierra
vpolichar: Tesla in the snow
vpolichar: Flagstaff
vpolichar: Charging up
vpolichar: Angel's Teeth
vpolichar: NM Sky
vpolichar: NM cliffs
vpolichar: Indian Paintbrush
vpolichar: Yucca
vpolichar: Tamson and Rob
vpolichar: Looking up
vpolichar: Valerie and Tamson
vpolichar: Jemez Nat'l Rec Area
vpolichar: Monster
vpolichar: Brindle in the sun
vpolichar: Brindle airing out the belly
vpolichar: Good Omens!
vpolichar: Maxwell
vpolichar: Looking up again
vpolichar: Bat pot
vpolichar: Sunset over Rob's car
vpolichar: Cactus flowers
vpolichar: Bronze sculpture