vpolichar: Khaki Cables back
vpolichar: Hyacinth Socks, cuffed
vpolichar: Hyacinth socks, uncuffed
vpolichar: Mom's socks, not yet Kitchenered
vpolichar: Jo Sharp sofa cushion
vpolichar: Jo Sharp sofa cushion outside
vpolichar: Mum's bottle holder
vpolichar: IMG_3649.JPG
vpolichar: Carson's top
vpolichar: Carson in summer top
vpolichar: Laguna Seca socks on Karen's feet
vpolichar: lagunaseca2.jpg
vpolichar: Fraternal twin socks
vpolichar: IMG_4160_2.JPG
vpolichar: Newborn socks
vpolichar: Little Star cardigan
vpolichar: Carson in Star cardi 2
vpolichar: Carson in Star cardi
vpolichar: Start of Llod
vpolichar: Cathy's wrist warmers in process
vpolichar: Cathy's fingerless gloves
vpolichar: Bear.
vpolichar: Russian booties
vpolichar: Bathmat
vpolichar: Beret
vpolichar: Beret 1
vpolichar: Carl's hat
vpolichar: Start of Vandyke
vpolichar: CC Vest 1
vpolichar: CC Vest button