jjdraft: Fort Morgan
jjdraft: the way it was
jjdraft: Fort Morgan
jjdraft: a long ago sunset
jjdraft: long forgotten
jjdraft: across the way
jjdraft: from the past
jjdraft: back then
jjdraft: swamp
jjdraft: into the sunset
jjdraft: speeding home
jjdraft: bird on a stick
jjdraft: stormy
jjdraft: Exxon Mobil
jjdraft: abeside the road
jjdraft: window box
jjdraft: the wetlands
jjdraft: Exxon Baton Rouge La.
jjdraft: a dark look
jjdraft: cold morning
jjdraft: stacked
jjdraft: early light
jjdraft: soft light
jjdraft: back in the day
jjdraft: a look back in time.
jjdraft: no longer there
jjdraft: an old beauty
jjdraft: long ago and forgotten
jjdraft: A long way to go
jjdraft: across the tracks