tamsinblue: Blanca
tamsinblue: Cordillera Blanca
tamsinblue: Yacare caiman
tamsinblue: Puca Pucara, Inca fort in Cusco
tamsinblue: Kuelap
tamsinblue: La Paz's greatest landmark, the towering snowcapped peaks of the Cordillera Real surrounding the city, tower to well over 6000m (20,000 ft), a height unrivalled almost anywhere except in the Himalayas and elsewhere in the Andes.
tamsinblue: Pastel-colored houses line the street in Coroico, Bolivia.
tamsinblue: Touch of Pink
tamsinblue: The green iguana is a big, diurnal & arboreal lizard well adapted to the Pantanal. They can swim submerged using powerful strokes of their long tail. They are primarily herbivores & have excellent eye-sight. These animals are a rare but rewarding sighting
tamsinblue: Taulliraju
tamsinblue: Nearing dusk and the egrets flew to a tree further down the river to roost for the night.
tamsinblue: View of Amantani Island from Taquile
tamsinblue: Bus trip from Lima to Huaraz
tamsinblue: Cordillera Blanca
tamsinblue: Dainty white clusters
tamsinblue: Maya Bay