Ji-: Le vieil homme et sa bouilloire - the old man and the kettle.
Ji-: Celebration day
Ji-: Crossing College street
Ji-: Fun ride on Kensington avenue
Ji-: Crossing Yonge street
Ji-: A snack for a cat
Ji-: Distillery District - Toronto
Ji-: Guess the city
Ji-: Toronto skyline
Ji-: Duck on Ontario lake
Ji-: La nourrisseuse d'oiseaux - the feeder.
Ji-: Spadina avenue, Toronto
Ji-: Kensington Market
Ji-: Street art at Kensington Market
Ji-: Al Di Meola bowing his audience after his concert at the Toronto Jazz Festival.
Ji-: Police presence - firemen were working in the area.
Ji-: Chilling in Toronto downtown.
Ji-: Toujours prêts - ready to go!
Ji-: Dodge rouillée - rusty Dodge
Ji-: Queen street, Toronto.
Ji-: Some faces of Toronto.
Ji-: CN 4803, Toronto.
Ji-: CN 6213, Toronto.