The Man From Utopia: Mr.Evil....or not ?
The Man From Utopia: The water ghost
The Man From Utopia: The Alchemyst
The Man From Utopia: Doctor Doom
The Man From Utopia: Bad reputation
The Man From Utopia: Wishin' and hopin'
The Man From Utopia: The sheik yerbouti tango
The Man From Utopia: I'm not satisfied
The Man From Utopia: We are not alone...
The Man From Utopia: You are what you is
The Man From Utopia: Father O'Blivion
The Man From Utopia: Uncle Remus
The Man From Utopia: I'm so cute
The Man From Utopia: Pick me,I'm clean
The Man From Utopia: You call that music?
The Man From Utopia: Don Quichot
The Man From Utopia: I want to take you higher
The Man From Utopia: If you want blood you've got it
The Man From Utopia: People are strange
The Man From Utopia: Johnny wants to be a star
The Man From Utopia: Go with the flow
The Man From Utopia: happy new year
The Man From Utopia: I just don't know what to do with myself
The Man From Utopia: Whole lotta love
The Man From Utopia: The Sore Losers