Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP8241
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP1511 Titanic decks
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP1512 Titanic decks
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP1521 Launch invitation
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP1536 re-creation of 1st class corridor
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP1540 re-creation of the 1st class cabin
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP8177 re-creation of 2nd class cabin
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP8178 re-creation of the 1st class sitting room
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP8190 the Indefatigable Molly Brown
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP8195 grand staircase
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP8218 re-creation of 3rd class cabin
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP8221 every picture tells a story - this one a very sad story
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP8225 re-creation of the infamous wire less room
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP8237 sobering artefact
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP8248 model of bow as it lies on the Atlantic floor
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMG_4770 I survived
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP1501 White Star poster
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP1504 White Star flag
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP1545 model of stern as it lies on the Atlantic floor
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-30 IMGP1532 Titanic