Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-23 IMGP7979 our agapanthus
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-23 IMGP7980 our agapanthus
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-20 IMGP7974 our agapanthus
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-26 IMGP7986 early morning mist and dew drops in paddock behind our place
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-27 IMGP7998 web effect in paddock behind our place
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-27 IMGP8024 Magpie Bath, our garden
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-27 IMGP8039 Magpie bath, our garden
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-27 IMGP7990 early morning mist and dew drops in paddock behind our place
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-27 IMGP7991 early morning mist and dew drops in paddock behind our place
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-26 IMGP7987 early morning mist and dew drops in paddock behind our place
Arty@dagmar: 2024-05-11 IMG_4637 sunrise from back deck
Arty@dagmar: 2024-05-15 IMG_4649 double rainbow from our front yard
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-27 IMGP8041 our Bidy Boom Red Eye
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-29 IMGP8263 meteor searching from our back deck
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-29 late afternoon in paddock behind our place
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-27 IMGP8044 our Euphorbia Mili Red Flower
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-27 IMGP8045 our Euphorbia Mili Yellow Flower
Arty@dagmar: 2024-08-02 IMGP8272 our Kalanchoe Fedtschenkoi
Arty@dagmar: 2024-08-02 IMGP8273 coming in to land
Arty@dagmar: 2024-08-02 IMGP8292 our hibiscus
Arty@dagmar: 2024-08-02 IMGP8293 Blue faced honeyeatewr
Arty@dagmar: 2024-07-29 our Bacopa Pinktopia amongst our petunias
Arty@dagmar: 2024-08-02 IMGP8304 the beauty of roses
Arty@dagmar: 2024-08-02 IMGP8307 brances and leaves captured by web
Arty@dagmar: 2024-08-02 IMGP8295 Black Crow butterfly.
Arty@dagmar: 2024-08-02 IMGP8296 Roses
Arty@dagmar: 2024-08-14 IMGP8343 hibiscus stamen reflections
Arty@dagmar: 2024-08-14 IMGP8354 Hibiscus stamen and anthers
Arty@dagmar: 2024-08-13 IMGP8327 Hibiscus
Arty@dagmar: 2024-08-13 IMGP8331 raindrops on hibiscus