Arty@dagmar: 2023-08-22 IMGP5524 menagerie of birds
Arty@dagmar: 2023-08-22 IMGP5533 sorry, but the spoonbills arrived too late for the debrief
Arty@dagmar: 2023-08-22 IMGP5534 sorry, but the spoonbills arrived too late for the debrief
Arty@dagmar: 2023-08-22 IMGP5535 oh well, we'll spoon them with our ideas tomorrow
Arty@dagmar: 2023-08-22 IMGP5537 man made nesting construction
Arty@dagmar: 203-08-22 IMGP5519 the pelicans having their lunchtime debrief!!
Arty@dagmar: 2023-08-022 IMGP5532 military precision
Arty@dagmar: 2023-08-22 IMGP5515 home orchard
Arty@dagmar: 2023-08-22 IMGP5523 pelicans executive