Arty@dagmar: IMGP3085 Jerusalem, Israel - model of city in AD66 (view from south with the lower city (of David) leading to the right - below the temple which just dominates the location)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8861 Jerusalem, Israel - model of city in AD66 (view from south with the lower city (of David) leading away from the temple and Pool of Siloam lowe left)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8862 Jerusalem, Israel - model of city in AD66 (the shaded area - centre - is the Western Wall, much revered by today's Jews)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8874 Jerusalem, Israel - model of city in AD66 (view of Temple from Mount of Olive to the east)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8871 Jerusalem, Israel - model of city in AD66 (view of Temple's Holy of Holies)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8850 Jerusalem, Israel - model of city in AD66 (view of Temple's royal stoa and porticos)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8872 Jerusalem, Israel - model of city in AD66 (view of Temple's Holy of Holies)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8853 Jerusalem, Israel - model of city in AD66 (southern wall of the temple showing Stairs of Ascent)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8860 Jerusalem, Israel - model of city in AD66 (view of Temple's porticos Mount of Olive to the east)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8852 Jerusalem, Israel - model of city in AD66 (view of Temple's Royal Stoa)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8857 Jerusalem, Israel - model of city in AD66 (view of Antonia Fortress - adjacent to the Temple)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP3089 Jerusalem, Israel - The Shrine of the Book
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8867 Jerusalem, Israel - The Shrine of the Book
Arty@dagmar: IMGP3088 Jerusalem, Israel - The Shrine of the Book
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8864 Jerusalem, Israel - art works at The Shrine of the Book
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8866 Jerusalem, Israel - the Knesset opposite the The Shrine of the Book
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8879 Jerusalem, Israel - The World Holocaust Remembrance Centre (Warsaw Ghetto Square - Wall of Remembrance)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP3095 Jerusalem, Israel - The World Holocaust Remembrance Centre (Warsaw Ghetto Square - Wall of Remembrance)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8878 Jerusalem, Israel - The World Holocaust Remembrance Centre (Warsaw Ghetto Square - Wall of Remembrance)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP3094 Jerusalem, Israel - The World Holocaust Remembrance Centre (from Holocaust to Rebirth)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8880 Jerusalem, Israel - Muslim Quarter north of the Temple Mount, nearby to Herod's Gate
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8888 Jerusalem, Israel - Mount of Olives from the Jewish Quarter south of the Temple Mount
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8889 Jerusalem, Israel - Mount of Olives from the Jewish Quarter south of the Temple Moun
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8894 Jerusalem, Israel - burial grounds on the Mount of Olives
Arty@dagmar: IMGP3103 Jerusalem, Israel - remains of King David's Palace from 1000BC
Arty@dagmar: IMGP3108 Jerusalem, Israel - Warren's Shaft
Arty@dagmar: IMGP3112 Jerusalem, Israel - Warren's Shaft
Arty@dagmar: IMGP3122 Jerusalem, Israel - The Canaanite Pool of The Gihon Spring under the lower city (of David)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP3125 Jerusalem, Israel - The Canaanite Pool of The Gihon Spring under the lower city (of David)