Arty@dagmar: IMGP1827 Petra, Jordan - before breakfast and the weather not promising
Arty@dagmar: IMG_2646 Petra, Jordan - first morning and Wadi Musa under a leaden sky
Arty@dagmar: IMG_2649 Petra, Jordan - first morning and Wadi Musa under a leaden sky
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8343 Petra, Jordan - Entrance
Arty@dagmar: IMGP1851 Petra, Jordan - the Obelisk Tomb (along the 700m track to the Dam)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8353 Petra, Jordan - Bedouin tribesmen offer horseback travel for the 700m journey from the site entrance to the Dam and the beginning of the Siq
Arty@dagmar: IMGP1852 Petra, Jordan - Fadi who guided us from our arrival at Amman airport until we crossed the border into Israel.
Arty@dagmar: IMGP1859 Petra, Jordan - after the dam, the entrance to the 1.3km siq (downhill all the way)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP1860 Petra, Jordan - after the dam, the remains of a triumphal arch that used to span the entrance to the 1.3km siq (downhill all the way)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8345 Petra, Jordan - the Djin Blocks (along the 700m track to the Dam)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP1870 Petra, Jordan - along the siq this sandstone worship structure appears - a testimony to the devoutness of arriving and departing Nabataean merchants
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8350 Petra, Jordan - tombs along the 700m track to the Dam
Arty@dagmar: IMGP1872 Petra, Jordan - what's Nemo doing in the Siq1
Arty@dagmar: IMGP1874 Petra, Jordan - inscriptions along the siq - a testimony to the devoutness of arriving and departing Nabataean merchants
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8355 Petra, Jordan - after a 700m walk from the entrance you arrive at the Dam and the entrance to the Siq
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8357 Petra, Jordan - walk 2kms to the Treasury, or enjoy an (Arabian) horse and buggy ride- a cocophany of sound announces their arrival before being sighted
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8361 Petra, Jordan - the siq, a split rock with a width of 3-12m and a height of up to 180m (to capture the size - notice the walker at the end of the path)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP1881 Petra, Jordan - close up of the detailed carvings of the upper level of the Treasury
Arty@dagmar: IMGP1883 Petra, Jordan - with the entrance access closed an attempt to capture the internal area of the Treasury
Arty@dagmar: IMGP1888 Petra, Jordan - close up of detiled carvings of the Treasury
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8375 Petra, Jordan - the famed Treasury
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8379 Petra, Jordan - the famed Treasury
Arty@dagmar: IMGP1897 Petra, Jordan - looking NW from opposite The Theatre
Arty@dagmar: IMGP1891 Petra, Jordan - transport hub centred at the Treasury1
Arty@dagmar: IMGP1898 Petra, Jordan - wall inscription recording consecration of the Urn Tomb as a Church in AD447
Arty@dagmar: IMGP1901 Petra, Jordan - Siq esterno (The Theatre is centre left) from Urn Tomb
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8383 Petra, Jordan - half way along the 600m Siq esterno - seems smaller tombs were for the not so rich locals (modern day toilets blend in)
Arty@dagmar: IMGP8384 Petra, Jordan - further along the 600m Siq esterno - seems smaller tombs were for the not so rich locals
Arty@dagmar: IMGP1902 Petra, Jordan - looking north from Urn Tomb
Arty@dagmar: IMGP1903 Petra, Jordan - some of the locals